Heer’s hoping

Wishing and hoping

This is Kevin McGown standing in front of the Heer's Building in a Springfield News-Leader photo dated THREE YEARS AGO! The place actually looks less awesome now, but maybe that'll change soon?

The Springfield News-Leader ran a story today on the Heer’s building downtown, where developer Kevin McGown is aiming to recreate the magic of the Piper Lofts in Kansas City. The story included interior photos of some of those lofts and it kinda made me want to move to Kansas City, because I fear that’s the only chance I’d have to live in a place that looks like that.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Queen City. But the Heer’s building has been an undevelopable eyesore on the square for years and I – like a lot of News-Leader commenters – are skeptical that high-rent lofts are going to work in that space. I know the numbers presented in the story say the Piper Lofts are full and the demand for luxury living downtown is still high, but I’m not buying it. This is still a small enough town where people want to own a house, with a yard, in a neighborhood, and they don’t seem to mind commuting to work.

One thing working the lofts’ favor has to be the new Bistro Market that just opened on the corner of Walnut and South. It’s well within walking distance of Heer’s and would allow those who work downtown to live, dine, play and do their grocery shopping as well.

Here’s the SN-L article: “Oh, the possibilities” — Amos Bridges, Springfield News-Leader

Speaking of the Bistro Market…I might be one of the few people in the Queen City that has not shopped there. The place is always hopping when I drive by. Once I get some spare cash money to throw around, I gotta stop in there.